Saturday 27 July 2019

So Much To Tell You

Hi Anyone and Everyone who is still listening.

I know it has been a really long time since I stepped into this space but the business of life, study, work, house building, family and setting up a new homestead has left no time for blogging.

But I do miss the community that blogging gave me and the stories of other people doing similar things and the inspiration and community that comes with it.

So I started a Facebook page which allows me to tell our story in a few less words, much more quickly and as things happen.

If you want to see what we have been up to including raising animals, building a new passive house and setting up our homestead you can find me at

I have been creating a bit of a back story so you can see the house build from start (June 2018) to finish (December  2018) as well as bit of life through this period until now.

Hope to see a few of you soon in FB land.
