Thursday, 27 August 2015

The Garden Of Shame

Since we put our house on the market the veggie gardens have become very neglected and they are full of weeds.  I had hoped that the house would have sold quicker and so I really didn't do any planting and since we thought were not going to be here to harvest spring and summer crops I got quite demotivated and just ignored them.

It is so weedy that the parsley is lost in there and there is even a lettuce off to the left.  Can you spot it?  It is like a game of Where's Wally?

There is actually an Eggplant in there flowering so we will probably get some more fruit before we move

But due to all the work I have put in in the past and my method of letting things go to seed the garden is still producing for us.

There are plenty of herbs, silverbeet and kale.  There are self seeded lettuces popping up everywhere, the cherry tomatoes grow everywhere like weeds and there is plenty of bananas and citrus.  

Self seeded lettuce popping up everywhere

Just today I also found some spring onions I planted a while back hidden among the weeds.

Hello Spring Onions

The garden bed that is producing well and mostly free of weeds

Last weekend I planted some potatoes, some in the ground and some in pots.  The ones in the ground might come to something (some are already shooting) before we move and I will be taking the pots with us when we move.

This week I also picked the first asparagus spear and look forward to all the ones to come.

And as always my number 1 helper is always on hand (usually with a stick for me to throw) to help out in the garden.  She does not dig anywhere and never has but if I am in the garden digging she then likes to have a little dig in the soft dirt.  Unfortunately sometimes this is after I have put the seedling in.... 

How is your garden looking?
Do you have any bits that make you feel embarrassed?


  1. I am not selling my home and my winter garden looks very similar so don't feel too bad Fi.

  2. There's still plenty to eat in there.... my garden is full of chickweed at the moment :)

    1. Yep plenty to eat if you are willing to hunt around and we have been eating the chickweed in salads along with bits and pieces that pop up at random.

  3. We have had good broccoli this winter though chickweed is our friend too.

    1. It is not cold enough for us to get a good crop of broccoli sadly.

  4. I know exactly how you feel Fiona.....I haven't planted anything recently because we were looks very bleak out there at the moment. ...the chooks have run rampant and dug the beds to pieces...can't wait to start again at the new house.

    1. Suzie I can't wait till we get to NZ as I am just treading water at the moment.


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