Monday, 13 October 2014

The Joys Of Gardening In Queensland

Over the weekend we had some great weather and I managed to spend some time in the garden early each morning before it got too hot.  I was doing a special job which I will tell you about tomorrow.

It was just as well because later in the day when it was warmer look who I saw peeking out of the bushes later on.


He /she heard me an made a run or should that be slither for it.

A good thing too because although we know these red belly black snakes are around and are timid as far as  snakes go they are still very poisonous and should be avoided.

Have you had any interesting garden visitors lately?


  1. That would have had me freaking out. Makes sense they were out yesterday, warm and a bit windy. At least they go the other way unlike the Eastern Browns.

    1. You are exactly right Barb. I have also been told they help keep the Eastern Browns away.

  2. Wow, we gardened yesterday but didn't get any surprises like that. Good thing he moved on but I'd be scared he didn't move far enough. He looked very cheeky poking out of your garden.

    1. Suzie he did look very cheeky but I think he was more timid and cautious than anything. I just watch to see they go away from where I am and keep going as they do not come back once you are making some noise.

  3. "It is mating season, and they are all on the move trying to find a mate, you will find they are just passing by most times and while you are looking for something to capture and relocate they just disappear, they are "on a mission" and will go away" ...... so said the snake catching man and he knows of which he speaks : )
    Hope there are no more surprises, the brown ones can be agressive and now it is warm they are quick !

    1. We do not bother with relocations except for the one time where a red belly black snake set up camp under our washing machine and refused to leave which you can read about here

  4. I would be shaking in my boots...snakes scare me. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. I am really not a fan and I will not miss them at all when we move to NZ.

  5. I don't know if I'm just unobservant, but we don't see them around our place as often as you do.... I just try not to think about it (and where boots and jeans and gloves when working outside). Definitely an advantage of NZ!


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