Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Animals From Our Travels

While we traveled around NSW for two weeks last year we were lucky enough to encounter some amazing wildlife.
Australia is blessed with the most amazing wildlife.  The birds come in all shapes, sizes and colours and because Australia is so big one region can have completely different species to another.  These are just some of the animals we saw.

Eastern Rosella

Some sort of Skink

Crimson Rosella

Grey Kangaroos

Immature Male Gang Gang Cockatoo

Immature female Gang Gang Cockatoo

Superb Fairy Wren

Crimson Rosella

Juvenile Crimson Rosellas, they have not developed their full colours and still have green feathers on their backs not just red and blue.


Male Satin Bower Bird

Female Satin Bower Bird

Giant Meat Ant

A Giraffe

A Crocodile

We will really miss all these amazing animals (except for the snakes) when we move to New Zealand.  While New Zealand is a land of birds they are not as brightly coloured as the ones in Australia and the most interesting ones are not seen on a day to day basis.

What interesting animals have you seen lately?

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