Wednesday 12 March 2014

A Practical Action Plan for Living More On Less

I have heaps on today including a trip down to Brisbane and back to see my surgeon, and two other appointments.
So rather than a full post I thought I would share an article I really enjoyed.
Here is a taste of what it is all about.

Beyond  our  basic  material  needs for  food,  clothing,  and  shelter,  how  much  is  enough?  
In particular, how much money and how many possessions do we really need to live well and to be free? 

These are not questions that many people ask themselves in consumer societies today, but they are some of the most important questions of all.  Instead of  confronting  these  questions,  too many  people  today spend  their entire  lives  desperately  climbing  the  endless  ladder  of  consumerism,  seeking more and more income  to spend on more and more stuff. 
But at the end of life these  people inevitably discover  that  they  had  not  really  lived,  that  they  had wasted their only chance at life inside a shopping mall. 

A free and meaningful life, it turns out, does not actually depend on having all the latest consumer products or having the nicest house on the street. On the contrary, working long hours just to  ‘keep  up  with  the Joneses’  leaves  people  with  less  time  for  the  things  that really  matter  in  life,  like  friends,  family, community,  and  engaging  in  peaceful, creative activity. This is the stuff that makes life worth living, and the interesting thing is we don’t need to be rich to enjoy it all. 

The best things in life really are free.  Abundance is a state of mind.

The Simpler Way - A Practical Action Plan for Living More On Less


  1. Fiona, this topic is very close to my heart! We humans are so dissatisfied by nature and we think "bigger" and "more" is going to satisfy us. It never works! Trouble is, so many of our "wants" are for good things. I really strive for contentment in our life but too often find myself caught up in the "if onlys". If only we had a proper goat barn, if only the mortgage was paid off, if only we had a farm tractor. It never ends! thankfully there are others, like you, who remind me to slow down and appreciate what I do have, rather than what I don't. I'm very much looking forward to reading this and hadn't even heard of the Simplicity Institute. Thank you for that! I hope your trip was successful and productive!

    1. Leigh I think you will enjoy this article. You can save it as a PDF on your computer so you do not have to keep logging on to the internet to read it. I found it make goo reading with a cuppa at morning tea time.


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