Thursday 27 March 2014

Enough Is Enough The Film

Enough is Enough is a book by Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill that presents an alternative to the idea of continued economic growth.  They link back to the fact that we are overusing our earths finite resources and that we should have an economy that is focused on enough not more.

I watched this video which gives a brief overview of some of the topics covered in the book.  I found it to be fascinating and inspirational and I was left thinking about how the ideas presented are much more in line with the life I lead compared to our current system.  It also made me wonder how we can get governments around the world to adopt this type of economy.

Anyway check it out and let me know what you think.  Is this the type of economy you would like to see in place?


  1. gosh I really enjoyed that - thank you for sharing it. On so many aspects it just sounds right....Is it just the case of getting the word out?

    1. Hi AA, I am not sure how we spread the word but you are right it just makes sense.

  2. Really interesting video...would love it if life could really be like that. Don't know that the government, banks and policy makers are listening though.

    1. Suzie I suspect that the powers that be are not listening as they are benefiting from the status quo. I hope a time will come when they have to look at this though.

  3. That was really interesting, though provoking and a call to arms. Thanks for sharing Fiona. Can we post out this book to all our economists and government reps and they dont get a bonus until they produce a book report which we sign off on.

    1. I shared this on my facebook - just putting it out there. Perhaps also it should be discussed in schools before children have the income to spend in the first place. Making wise choices from the beginning.

    2. Thanks for sharing Lynda and I agree that bonuses and pay increases should be voted on by the public. That way they have to work for us to get it (what they are supposed to do). And yes I think that this is the sort of thing that should be taught in schools.


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