Thursday, 8 May 2014

Making A Dog Coat On The Cheap

The weather has been getting really cold here at night over the last week getting down to just 2 degrees the other night.  We decided that this year we would get Jessie a dog coat to wear at night to help keep her warm in her kennel.
Last year we created a mattress stuffed with hay to keep her warm but it was dusty and we think it made her itchy.  We have also tried an actual dog mattress but Jessie turned it into a wrestling toy and pulled out all the stuffing.  So this year we have lined her kennel with a thick layer of newspaper topped with a layer of carpet, topped with an old doona (duvet) cover.  But even with these layers beneath her we thought a coat would be the best thing for her.
So I headed off to the local op shop to see if they had any polar fleece jumpers I could convert.  As it turned out I was able to pick up a polar fleece blanket that was being sold as a dog blanket as it had a hole in it.  It was only 50 cents and perfect for what I wanted.  I also picked up a set of double bed vintage sheets in good condition for $3.00 and a brand new coffee plunger for $3.00.  I have been on the look out for either a new tea pot or similar to make herbal tea in.

Op Shop Finds
I spoke to Liz the other day about the dog coats she made and decided that I would just make a paper template and sew it up from there.

My Paper template
I used a double layer of fabric as it was quite thin.  I sewed the two pieces together and inserted the tummy strap at the same time, then I turned it out so the seams were hidden.  I only had some narrow Velcro so I added 2 strips to the tummy strap and 2 strips to the front.

The finished product

Then it was Jessie's turn to model her new coat.

Jessie's new coat
 Doesn't she look pleased... not.
"Really?  You are really taking my photo while I sit here looking soooo impressed"
Jessie does not seem to mind her coat at all but when Hubby let her off from her kennel this morning the front of her coat had come undone and she had walked out of it.  I wondered if that would happen when she stretched because it was such thin Velcro that I used so I might have to add some stronger stuff or a button.

What have you been sewing lately?
Have you ever made pet coats?


  1. Perfect! And very thrifty fabric find too. You could try a safety nappy pin in the neck until she gets used to it?

  2. Hi Fiona, I am in the middle of making our Jack Russell another coat as his last one disintegrated after the endless world championship wrestling matches he and our other dog have every day. The coat he had (made by a friend) was the reverse of the majority of patterns I have seen in that the front legs step into it, and it buttons down the dog's back. I have found this to be the only foil for a dog as active as Bill. Being a boy he needs a bit of 'clearance' down under for ablutions but the design works well for us.

  3. That's a great idea and it looks good....I stupidly paid a fortune for a dog coat that we rarely use as I have a couple of spoilt indoor girls...I learn so much about saving money from reading great tips like this. I really need to get that op shop thing happening.

  4. Hi Fiona - that coat looks great! But if you still have trouble keeping it on, have a go at making a jumper from the following pattern (the dog and jumper in the pictures are terrible but trust me, the result isn't that scary! LOL). I made two for our dog last year from recycled fine wool jumpers and we alternate them on him all winter. He stays nice and warm and the jumpers have never come off him. Good luck!

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