Thursday, 16 June 2011

A Few Garden Pics

Well I have been a little slack on posts this week due to other commitments and today I am still pressed for time but I thought I would show you some of the things that are happening in the garden.

A lovely Bell Chilli/Pepper
Great when you want a bit of heat but not full on Chilli flavour
My snow peas on their 8 foot climbing fence
They are just starting to flower so bring on the Snow Peas
The Rainbow Chard finally starting to do it's thing.
Garlic coming along nicely with a few seedling pots amongst them
The Passion Fruit are still Fruiting
This is a Loquat Tree I am growing from seed
I had 4 but the others did not make it.
Well that's it for today folks as I needs to press on with the next task on the list.
And you never know I might even be back for another post tomorrow.


  1. Gorgeous produce pics Fiona. Congratulations on your loquat tree seed germinating! We have planted nothing for winter, so all I have to photo is empty mulched garden beds waiting for early spring plantings.

  2. I just love how no matter how busy life seems to get, the garden just keeps doing its thing. Unfortunately weeds too.

  3. mm that bell/chili pepper looks delicious. Mine are struggling this year and I am not sure why. I thought it was the cooler weather. My snow peas are also coming along nicely - I cant wait for them to start bearing. Have you ever tried snow pea shoots? They are delicious, but then I am not sure if that reduces the number of snow peas you will get... what a dilemma.

  4. Great photos Fiona - I agree with Bruise Mouse, the garden just keeps on keeping on doesn't it. Love those bell peppers, I've grown them before.

  5. Your garden is looking very active and healthy Fiona. Thanks for the info on the rhubarb and the silverbeet! and WoW hasn't you got a lot of garlic growing, be no vampires at your place! :)

  6. The peas look great! Are those chillies scotch bonnets? What are they?

  7. Yep the garden just keeps plodding on despite the conditions.
    Phoebe yes I believe they are scotch bonnets they came with the house and are the self seeded replacements for the big tree of a bush that we used to have.
    GBJ yep fingers crossed each garlic bulb will multiply (it needs cold weather for that) otherwise I will be harvesting the one little bulb I planted but with leaves. We use a lot of garlic as I cook a lot of Thai and Indian food and make my curry pastes from scratch


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