Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Supporting a Fellow Blogger

Throughout Australia many people live with disability or support those who do.  You may not currently be one of these people but at any time your life could change and you or someone you love could be affected.
Across Australia there are young people living in nursing homes due to a lack of care facilities for them.  There are disabled children going without equipment they require to have a good quality life, and then there are others like Linda from the Greenhaven Good Life who have to fight to get the support they need for their children.

This is unacceptable.

Both sides of parliament have said they will support a scheme reform to the way services are funded and delivered.  It is a social reform on the scale of the introduction of Medicare and compulsory superannuation – two safety nets now taken for granted by every Australian.

This marks a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix the crisis in disability through the funding of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). But all of us need to hold this government and/or the next one to this promise to ensure that those members of our community who need this scheme get the help they deserve.

So how can you help?

First of all you can sign up on the Every Australian Counts website by joining the campaign.  It takes less than 2 minutes and shows that you believe in the neccesity of this scheme.
Secondly you can tell the people you know and get them to sign up too.

Remember that at any time you or someone you love could sudenly need this scheme and the support it offers.


  1. Couldn't agree more Fiona

  2. Wow Fiona! You put that so clearly. Did you have prior knowledge about the NDIS or did you read their site?! Thank you!

    1. I did a bit of reading but because of the upcoming budget and as I work in the insurance industry I had a very basic understanding.


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